Democrats capitalise on new Trump extremist allegations in the final stretch.

Introduction Tensions are on as campaigns push strategies with elections drawing near in 2024. The Democrats, it seems, are playing the advantage of new accusations of extremism in the final push about Trump, using these as a key platform in their electoral strategy. A larger tactic within the Democratic campaign plan in winning over undecided … Read more

Trump Intensifies Threats Against Political Rivals He Calls the ‘Enemy’

Former US President Donald Trump ratcheted up his rhetoric against political opponents during the opening months of his 2024 presidential election, branding them the ‘enemy’ in part of rallying his supporters and consolidation of his authority inside the Republican Party. The heightened rhetoric is more than campaign strategy; it reflects a larger trend in American … Read more

Conservative activist claims Harris plagiarised chapters in 2009 co-authored book.

Understanding the Plagiarism Allegations Against Kamala Harris The book co-authored by Kamala Harris with a ghost writer named Joan O’C. Hamilton, on Smart on Crime in 2009, has become tainted with plagiarism allegations. Conservative activist Christopher Rufo led the campaign against passage usage from other authors, which Harris did not use quotation marks or correct … Read more

While dining with contributors, Trump made a derogatory comment on Harris’ mental capacity.

Introduction Vice President Kamala Harris was shocked by a remark from former President Donald Trump as he dined with his contributors. Donald Trump excused himself from raising a higher amount of money in less time than Harris could do it in one year by using the term “retarded.”. This is not a political scandal pure … Read more